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Gennevilliers Agreement

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:47 am
by Phaseolus
Dear EBT-Fellows,

in the evening of January 3, 2008, avij, Giro and his wife, Nerzhul, de-jo and myself have come together in the city of Gennevilliers and have found a very positive agreement for the future of EuroBillTracker.

As promised, the minutes of this meeting will be published in this same section as soon as I have finished to correct my mistakes.

In the meantime, here are the main points of the Gennevilliers Agreement. All participants have agreed, by unanimity:
- to create a non-profit association, called the "European Society for EuroBillTrackers"; this non-profit association will be in possession of all intellectual properties related to EuroBillTracker and will be responsible for all issues related to Eurobiltracker.It will protect the EuroBillTracker database (and prevent the sale of parts of database). it will also ensure a free (=free of charge) usage of Eurobilltracker on-line tools. Technical persons will be appointed by the Board of the association to deal with technical issues for free.
- to apologize to Giro when he has been quoted as a "greedy bussinessman", to refute the statement saying that Giro wants to sell email adresses.
- to find a transitory solution to the registering of bills : users are asked to register bills EITHER on .eu or on .com. Users should NOT enter bills on both websites. The mess will be cleaned in the coming days. In the meantime the ".com"-website will point to the ".eu"-website, which ensures the unicity of the database. To help cleaning the mess, please use the same username on both sites.
- to appoint Phaseolus as only spokesperson on this issue (this includes internal and external communication)

The creation of the non-profit association is aimed to be finished by February 15, 2008. I am in charge of drafting the statute and these statutes will ONLY be discussed with the participants of the meeting.

Other details will be communicated afterwards.

As a personal point of view, I'd like to state that ALL participants have made significant efforts during the discussions. ALL participants have really taken into consideration the interest of the EBT-Community, putting aside their personal interest. In these type of discussions, they are no winners or loosers ; I really believe that the EBT-Community will become stronger after this event, especially with the creation of the "European Society for EuroBillTrackers".

In advance, I want to state clearly that it has been our deliberate choice not to open the discussion on the statute for this non-profit association. The reason behind this decision is that we believe that it will be more rapid doing as such ; and under the circumstances, it is my personal believe that we quicker we go, the better it is for the EBT-Community. The participants have agreed not to publish these statutes before their final approval.

further communication will follow. Please feel free to translate this text in the various languages of the forum.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:47 pm
by Phaseolus
UPDATE N°1 : reading through the forums, I see that I need to clarify that the agreement lies to have only ONE website ; the current situation .eu or .com, only remains because the admins need to clean the dubble entries, the fake accounts, fake notes and hits ; transfer the newcomers from one site to the other site, etc...

After this transition period, we will have ONE EBT ! :lol:

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:12 pm
by Phaseolus

From left to right : Phaseolus, Nerzhul, Giro, avij and de-jo ; celebrating the "Gennevilliers Agreement" with a glass of Champagne !

Next post will be the minutes of our meeting ! :lol:

Official minutes of EBT-meeting January 3, 2008

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:47 pm
by Phaseolus
As agreed please find here the minutes of the EBT-Meeting held on January3, 2008, in Gennevilliers (France) ; a statement written by P. Girolami is attached to these minutes (i.e, it appears following to the minutes in this post), indeed, as the minutes refer to this statement.

Whilst reading this post, please keep in mind that minutes are meant to mimic the discussions that have taken place. This meeting was an opportunity for each participant to express its eventual disagreement with other persons ; considering the crisis that emerged on Christmas Day, it was essential to "put on the table" some things. At least, it has been done ; and now, a solution is found for EuroBillTracker.

Once again, the discussion on the statute of the European Society of EuroBillTrackers is not open.

Minutes of EBT Meeting

Gennevilliers, January 3, 2008

Present: M. Schilde (Nerzhul), P. Girolami (Giro), F. Girolami (Giro’s wife), A. Johansson (avij), T. De Jonckheere (de-jo), B. Berken (Phaseolus)
Absent: P. Coels (Craco)

B. Berken welcomes everyone to Gennevilliers (France) and thanks the protagonists for coming together in order to find a common solution to the EBT-issue.

Tour de Table
Everybody agrees that, whatever this discussion will put on the table as problems, a solution need to be found to the BET-crisis.

M. Schilde opens the discussion stating that he felt sorry for his first reactions he wrote on the forum on December 25, 2007. These statements were written very shortly after the action by P. Girolami and M. Schilde had no intention to hurt the feelings of P. Girolami.

P. Girolami reads a statement that he has prepared; this statement will be attached to these minutes.
After having listened to the statement of P. Girolami, M. Schilde explains that he had the feeling that P. Girolami had been absent from the EuroBillTracker project for a very long time ; P.Girolami would be only showing up a few times since M. Schilde joined the project as an administrator. In addition to this feeling, A. Johansson gives various examples of issues that he had to handle in the absence of P. Girolami.
M. Schilde says at the end of the statement reading, that he fully agrees with the objectives and is looking forward to a solution tonight.
P. Girolami states that he had motivated some users as volunteers to participate to the EBT project (EBT admins, translators, hit moderators, etc…) and recognizes that these volunteers should be thanked for their contribution.
B. Berken reminds participants that legal issues should be addressed very carefully as legal actions could also lead to unexpected conclusions. He further testimonies that P. Girolami is considered by the Community as a “Half-God”, being the creator of the website; on the other hand, B. Berken thought, since he joined EBT in 2004, that A. Johansson and M. Schilde were handling the website alone. Also, to his belief, P. Girolami had been absent from the project.
T. De Jonckheere reminds the importance of the feeling of the EBT-users that felt taken into hostage by P. Girolami action on Christmas Day. Especially the fact that P. Girolami claims intellectual property on the database is creating a conflict with users. The conflict lies on the fact that users have the property on the individual data they entered on EuroBillTracker. B. Berken reminds that the website EuroBillTracker has been communicating since 2004 various messages presenting EuroBillTracker as a free community of volunteers; this moral contract appears in contradiction with the claims on intellectual property made by P. Girolami. P Girolami explains that some of the data is copyright of the users; but that the database itself belongs to someone because it was created (that “someone” is the creator). As example, one could suggest a similarity with storage facilities: the facility has an owner that does not own the contents.
Both B. Berken and T. De Jonckheere, remind the three administrators that they have been lacking communication skills. To their belief, this lack of communication between the three protagonists is the major reason for the actual crisis.
Furthermore, T. De Jonckheere disagrees with the statement made by P. Girolami on the number of users: The ways statistics are presented in the statement made by P. Girolami are misleading. B. Berken disagrees with the statement that A. Johansson and M. Schilde are only responsible for the split within the EBT Community; he considers that the split is generated by the quarrel between the three administrators.
A. Johansson thanks P. Girolami for creating EuroBillTracker. He reminds all participants that EuroBillTracker cannot be run without all users. He explains that he has taken away the forum because he did not know the intentions of P. Girolami for the forum. Both P. Girolami and A. Johansson agree that the current situation regarding the forum (independent address: is satisfactory. A. Johansson is strongly committed to EuroBillTracker and accepts the objectives written down in the statement by P. Girolami. P. Girolami uses the opportunity for thanking A. Johansson for his implication in EuroBillTracker.
P. Girolami states that the website should be run independently; for its safeguard, it should not be linked too much to any specific user. If P. Coels agrees, P. Girolami proposes that the forum and the website should be run by the same non-profit organization.
P. Girolami offers to transfer the ‘Eurobilltracker’ trademark to a not-for-profit organization provided the objectives in his statement are met. B. Berken requests a confirmation that it would actually include all Intellectual Property which P. Girolami confirms. Consequently, B. Berken announces that, in this case, there are no longer any obstacles to a solution being found tonight.
P. Girolami asks if the scope of IP could be transferred by M. Schilde and A. Johansson to the Non-Profit Association. A. Johansson confirms that all his IP will be transferred to the Non-Profit Association; this includes also the WAP site & changes made to the site over the years. M. Schilde confirms transferring all his work on the website but does not want to transfer the EBT-Tool to the Non-Profit Association.
M. Schilde would like to see the possibility for 3rd party to develop tools, around EBT, possibly through APIs. P. Girolami and B. Berken indicate that this will be the association’s decision.

All participants agree to create a non-profit association called “European Society of Eurobilltrackers” and to become members. (Giro’s wife will not be a founding member)
All participants agree about the following objectives for the European Society for EuroBillTrackers:
-To be in possession of all intellectual properties related to EuroBillTracker
-To be responsible for all issues related to Eurobiltracker
-To create and to manage the conditions for optimal Eurobilltracking
-To promote EuroBilltracking
-To promote communication between the users of Eurobilltracker (including the forum)
-To protect the EuroBillTracker database (such as to prevent the sale (of parts )of the EuroBillTracker database)
-To finance, when deemed necessary, the promotion and the tools of EuroBillTracker
-To ensure a free (=free of charge) use of Eurobilltracker on-line tools

All participants ask B. Berken to draft statutes for the European Society of EuroBillTrackers, and to circulate to the participants of the meeting for comments. The objective is to create the association by February 15, 2008. The date of General Assembly for the creation of the European Society of EuroBillTrackers is January 3, 2008.
All participants agree that the following points should be addressed in the statutes:
-The power of one interest group (e.g. one nationality) should be limited on the voting procedures
-possibility of having national EuroBillTracker association ; this possibility will maybe not appear in the first statutes.
-the possible sale (of parts) of database should be prohibited (possibility of veto rights by A. Johansson, P. Girolami and M. Schilde on this specific point)
-The access of individual user to their own data should be stressed, although this point is already covered by Law.
-The possibility for some users to ask for dedicated services (such as extra features, etc.) could be made possible ; in the sense that these specific demands generate a cost for the European Society of EuroBillTrackers, these “Premium accounts” could be charged
-Convocation to Annual Assembly could be sent by email. Eventual mandatory meetings (General Assembly, Board of Directors, Bureau etc…) could be held electronically. Preferably the General Assembly should be held together with the annual EBT-Meeting
-Decisions are taken by the Board of Directors.
-Members should pay a fee and get one vote at the General Assembly.
-Board Members are elected by the General Assembly. Their mandates should not last more than two years; a mandate is renewable. Half of the board should be renewed every year.
-The society should accept donations
-Technical helpers and other responsible persons, translator, administrators, moderators, Support Team, or any other person helping the management of the European Society of EuroBillTrackers, are to work for free.
-Modifications of the website must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to their implementation
-P. Girolami, A. Johansson and M. Schilde, in recollection of their dedication to the EuroBillTracker Project are Members by default of the Board of Directors.
-The Board of Directors of the European Society of EuroBilltrackers could appoint other “Honored Members” of the Board of Directors.

Off the record (= elements not fully discussed during the meeting, but are worth being considered whilst drafting the statutes):
-Member can vote for the election of one Board member for his country of residence
-A limit of 1 Board member per country. The Board Member must be an official resident of the country that he represents.
-the statutes must also address the possibility for the association to be disbanded : this point should address clearly what should happen to the IP, after the non-profit association is disbanded

Other Actions to be considered once the European Association of EuroBillTrackers is founded:
•A. Johansson, P. Girolami and M. Schilde to transfer all intellectual properties (website, INPI deposits of the name “EuroBillTracker”, database, domain name, WAP, etc…) to the European Society of EuroBillTrackers, once created.
•All translators, moderators, and other volunteers to transfer their intellectual rights to the European Society of EuroBillTrackers, once created.

Transitional period:

As A. Johansson has bought very recently a new server for EuroBillTracker, he proposes to offer a free hosting on this server. He hopes that EuroBillTracker can make good use of it. This triggers a discussion where T. De Jonckheere and P. Girolami indicate that the point of putting in place the association is to become independent of specific people in the community, to prevent future hijacking and to, more generally, protect EBT from emotional responses. The association will make the final decision and one possibility would be for it to use A. Johansson server until it dies out as a backup.
P. Girolami proposes that will point to the server currently running The administrators will inform that newly joined users (since Christmas) might have difficulties in connecting to their accounts; Administrators ensure that their bills will be restored in the coming days. In the expectation of the coming necessary clean-up of the mutual databases, it is asked that users do keep registering their bills on either or on It is asked NOT to register bills on both sides. After this transitional period, only one website, one database and one EuroBillTracker will remain.

As a conclusion, all participants agree that B. Berken be the only person allowed for communicating officially about the meeting and their conclusions. This necessary communication will occur to the EuroBillTracker Community and to the External interested parties. It is decided that this communication will include a public statement refuting the lie about selling email addresses by P. Girolami and apologies for calling him a “greedy businessman”.

It has been agree to publish these minutes and its appendix on the Forum of EuroBillTracker.

Appendix to the Minutes :

Statement written by P. Girolami prior to the meeting :

I will start with a recollection of events.

In December 2001, I created a website and a database to offer a free note-tracking service at My purpose was to learn new things and to have an outlet for my creativity in what I do well: software development.
Over the next years, I spent hundreds of hours writing software to create the best bill tracking site, providing support to users, building tools to automate administration & translations, protecting the site from fakers, paying for hosting at OVH, checking if the site was running in the morning, etc.
Anssi offered to host the site in May 2003 for free on a server he could share and I agreed. In December 2003, I told him I planned on putting ads to generate some revenue that would have helped cover the costs for hosting we both incurred and he had no objection. Unfortunately, ads were off target then so they did not stay on the site.
The site never sold any information to anyone: neither email addresses, serial numbers or anything. I have shown great consistency over the years on this subject: I created the site with legitimate intentions, I never intended to sell any data to anyone and no emails or conversations of mine could ever have let anyone believe otherwise. Those who claim the contrary are defaming me and it is a very troubling tactic.

In 2004, the functionality that makes Eurobilltracker unique today were completed and light-years ahead of similar sites including Where’s George : the current look & feel including tabs and 90% of “static” pages, the list of moderated hits, hit email notifications, multi-language banners, note reports with travel maps, lists of last users & notes, advanced note entry forms, statistics both general and per country, information about users in the same city as you, translations in all euro languages, etc. I had motivated & coordinated people to which I had delegated tasks : moderation, support & translation. Not everything was rosy of course : support emails were always behind, translations were incomplete for a long time, moderators were sometimes trigger-happy, a major crash on Anssi’s server lost 4 days of notes and there were multiple issues with his ISP but all in all, the site was running well, everything was under control and the site no longer depended on me alone.
So, in 2004, the site went into maintenance until I had new ideas.

Mid-2005, Anssi asked me if a user could add more statistics and I agreed. Unlike me, Marko worked with distant releases and his work only started to appear on the site in May 2006.

In January 2006, I again discussed the issue of money with Anssi. We had agreed on adding ads to support the site so it wouldn’t depend on him. A few weeks later, Marko, who had yet to release substantive features, refused the ads only as a last resort, claimed to have garnered the support of Anssi and denied my authority on the site.
I took this opportunity to remind Anssi & Marko that I claimed ownership of Eurobilltracker. I supposed this would be enough to set things straight and I chose to ignore him.

2007 gave me several new ideas for the site. I first worked tens of hours on the redesign of the web pages. Unfortunately, my emails went unanswered (completely or partially) and my exchanges with Marko turned hostile to a point where I became disgusted and simply stopped working on it.
When my upgrade to Babel was revoked without prior notice, I finally understood how I was being disowned of my creation and how Marko & Anssi had identified themselves with the site.
Our communication was lacking and I was being excluded from the site I had created so I sought legal counsel to find a way to end my relationship with Anssi & Marko. A lawyer, who is an active member of the site, confirmed that the database was my intellectual property since I had taken the initiative to create it with substantial human & financial investment. Eurobilltracker is the same type of site as Facebook, Myspace, Youtube, Blogspot, etc : their only value lies in what content users generate but they are independent from these users because they are the property of their creators.

I could rewrite parts of the site that were not my IP and were used by many users in a couple days. I worked again tens of hours to setup the server and test it. On December 24th, I changed the server hosting, ensured continuity of service and waited for Anssi & Marko’s intellectual property claims on the site’s code to sort that issue out. There was never any threat to the WAP site, the forum or the EBT-tool as my email to Anssi shows. I still wonder, to this day, why the forum had to change URL.

On Dec. 25th, was running with the same data as up to Dec. 24th, a call to switch sites was made by Marko on the forum presenting me as a “greedy businessman”. Under French law, these actions are illegal and precedents show that they are punished: trademark infringement (“Eurobilltracker” is a registered trademark I own), servile copy (taking the site & database as-is) and defamation (someone said that I was going to “sell users’ email addresses” which has caused users to request their accounts to be removed). Furthermore, this created a split in the community.

End of recollection.
I felt obliged to go back in time to make it clear that Anssi and Marko had ample information about my standing and that, although I recognize the work of Marko, Anssi and everyone involved, the huge amount of work & energy I spent in the early years cannot simply be brushed aside on the basis that I do not enter notes or participate in the forum daily. Anyone who thinks like this shows considerable disregard for the 95% of users that have entered fewer notes than I have and are not part of the forum community (forum users total about 3% of EBT users).

Furthermore, I have always taken great care not to mix & confuse the site and the community. I believe this is fundamental for the community to get together.

Finally, between 2003 and 2005, the number of new users per year increased 200%. Between 2005 and 2007, the number of new users per year decreased 25%. I believe this is because new features cater to the 1 or 2% top users rather than the typical user that discovers the site and joins it : I want a Eurobilltracker that interests everyone, not just a fringe of users.

My objectives are to obtain:
1.fairness work, creativity and my rights are recognized
b.history is not rewritten : Euro bill tracking is associated with & me in the future
c.a public statement in an upcoming newsletter refuting the lie concerning me selling the email addresses and being a “greedy businessman” for the site and its freeness
a.safeguards are in place to prevent the technical team from acting unilaterally in the future & technical power is not concentrated in the hands of 1 or 2 people
b.the technical team provides its time & service for free through a contract and does not embody or represent the community
c.Changes to the site are not made unilaterally by the technical team : they are directed by the site’s governing body
3.a united growing community
a.single site, single forum and a single database
b.a structured community and a governing body for the site
c.Eurobilltracker growing outside its core community
d.safeguards to prevent a group of countries from serving their own interest in the community

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:24 pm
by avij
The merging of the databases has now begun, it's going to take a while to get everything sorted out. We've now added the missing users, the missing notes and hits will be reimported on Wednesday. and now point to the same server.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:00 am
by avij
Hi, a quick status update. I'm at work right now, so I'll have to keep this brief..

It took a while to merge the note data, primarily because I wanted to remove some of the fake users/hits that had been entered on during the split. I removed some obvious fake entries from some 100 users, but I'm certain that I've missed a few -- if you spot any oddities in the note data (either your own or somebody else's), please report them to I'd be particularly happy if you "confessed" your own fake entries, I'd remove the fake entries without any other consequences.

It is my understanding that all the notes have now been imported. If you think some of your notes are still missing, please contact me immediately.

Some of the hits may still appear "weird" and may show incorrect dates. I'll correct those once I'm back home. Your total number of notes/hits may also appear to be incorrect, but if you have a look at your actual notes, all your notes should be there. Note CSV file should be okay, the hit CSV file may still show some, erm, irregularities at the moment.

edit: The merge has now been completed.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 10:52 am
by Phaseolus
I received today the newsletter that I prepared some weeks ago in order to formally announce the creation of the European Society of EuroBillTrackers.

It's time to inform you about the evolution of this project.

de-jo is currently submitting the finalised statutes in order to have them published in the Belgian Official Journal ("le Moniteur" or "Staatsblad"). Once this step is undertaken, the statutes will be public.

In the meantime, I will explain here the main lines of our European Society of EuroBillTrackers (= ES-EBT):

ES-EBT is an international non-profit-making organization with the purpose of:
-being in possession of all intellectual properties related to EuroBillTracker, including the website and its various Internet addresses and the forum. The assets of EuroBillTracker also include domain names, codes, databases, texts, etc.
-being responsible for all issues related to EuroBillTracker
-creating and managing the conditions for optimal Tracking of Euro Bills
-promoting EuroBillTracking
-promoting communication between the users of EuroBillTracker
-protecting the EuroBillTracker database
-financing, when deemed necessary, the promotion and the tools of EuroBillTracker
-ensuring a free of charge use of EuroBillTracker on-line tools

These are really the most important points regarding the European society of EuroBillTrackers. Indeed we have clarified that the "property" of all features linked to our favorite website belongs to this non-profit organisation. the future of EBT is now clearly linked to the existence of the non-profit organisation ; it is therefor the property of ALL members of EBT. We have create a rule that links the disappearance of the website if the association would be disbanded ; this is because we believe that this rule will enable individuals to take over power unilaterally within ES-EBT and that the EBT-Community will put the necessary efforts to overcome future crisis, as the consequences of future misunderstanding might simply be the disappearance of our hobby.

Everybody can become a Member of the ES-EBT, by registering at least one bill on EBT and by paying an annual fee. By paying an annual fee, you get access to the Annual Assembly which elects Members to the Community to the Board of Directors (BoD). Within the BoD, we will elect a Bureau which is in charge of the daily running of EBT and that is composed as such : one President, two Vice-Presidents, one Treasurer and one Secretary.

In order to launch the ES-EBT, untill the next General Assembly which will be hold in Slovenia at the next EBTM, we have decided to elect the following persons as follows : President (Phaseolus), Vice-Presidents (avij and Giro), Treasurer (de-jo) and Secretary (Nerzhul).

Please consider these nominations as administrative solutions for the launch of the ES-EBT. Complete elections will take place in Slovenia which will put more democracy in the current system.

We have choosen to limit the representation of each Euro-zone-country to one Member on the BoD. In addition, avij, Giro and Nerzhul are Founding Members and are part of the BoD (and do NOT interact with the One-Member rule by Euro-Zone country).

As Founding Members, avij, Giro and Nerzhul, have a veto right limited to the protection of the EBT-database; with the idea of protecting (parts of )the database of EBT to be sold. Please consider this feature as a clear protection of your data.

The amount of the annual fee will be fixed soon by the current BoD. This money is needed to achieve some of the objectives of our Society (I am thinking about "promotion"). The BoD will have in mind to keep the annual fee as low as possible.
Please note that the website EBT remains free of charge ; only if you want to join the ES-EBT an annual fee will be requested.

Working Groups (Programme Committees) will be established according to the demands of the Members. Two Programme Committees are already established ; they are : "Technical Operations and Maintenance" and "On-line Tools developments". The first committee is obviously the hosting job currently handled by avij. The on-line Tools developments-team is the job done by Nerzhul, Giro and avij for developing EBT ; other volunteers will be welcome to join the team and propose to the BoD their project for adding new features to the website. The BoD will give its prior approval before launching new projects.

Obviously, volunteers in these Programme Committees will not be rewarded financially for the work delivered.

The statutes will be registered under Belgian law as it was the possibility for us to create a Inetrnational Non-Profit Association.

We will come back to you later on and inform you about the registration of ES-EBT, the amount of the fee and tha way to pay this fee. The organisation of the Annual Assembly and the way elections will be conducted.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:25 am
by Phaseolus
Foundation of ES-EBT is on its way now ; de-jo is organizing the registration of the association in Belgium.

We are struggling on an unexpected delay due to the language policy in Belgium...

In summary, we need to submit the statutes in one of the Belgian's official languages, whilst our current document was written in English.

We'll be finding a solution soon ! :wink:

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:17 am
by Phaseolus
Hi Everybody,

I want to give a short update about the creation of our non-profit association.

We have been struggling with the unexpected issue of language of the statutes in Belgian law. In addition to this linguistic issue, an European non-profit association under Belgian law would have required a deposit of the statutes via a "Huissier" or "Deurwaarder", a kind of official person who is allow registering such associations. This would have cost us +/- 1500€.

Therefor, we decided to transfer the assoication under French law, such assoication is called "Association de Loi 1901". I am currently checking the translation in French which was made by Giro and I will make the necessary steps in the coming days for registering it at my home address. Expected costs : 28.65 €

In order to avoid any misunderstanding, it has been decided to appoint de-jo as President of the association ; I will act as a treasurer.

We have decided to fix the annual fee for joining the association at 10€. This is NOT the cost for joining EBT as this access is free. 10 € is the fee for joining our non-profit association. It is essential to understand that joining our association is not mandatory ; only volunteers are welcome to join. Other donations are also welcome :wink:

This money has been deemed necessary, as there will be some costs to be covered as we organise into an association. We hope that we will be able to collect some money in order to be able to achieve some actions, as described into our statutes.

Personnaly, I was thinking that this money could be used for advertising EBT ; we could therefor buy some Internet banners and increase the numbers of users (especially in some countries where the number of users is particularly low).

I will publish the statutes of the non-profit association in another post. This will be the text in English which has been agreed by de-jo, avij, giro, nerzhul and myself. The translation in French will be deposit at the Prefecture of the Department of Val-d'Oise.