Average maps

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Average maps

Post by Dakkus »

(This is not originally my idea, but written according to a conversation held elsewhere)

So, webmasters, can you compute the location of the average hit?
What is the average starting point of a hit?
What is the average ending point of a hit?
What is the average hit vector? Do the notes travel north or south?
I would like to see this!

It would also be nice seeing the current location of the average user home town and the average note ;)
Ko saka āboliņš? Pēk pēk pēk!
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Post by Donald »

Me too!
What is the average hit distance?
a) average of absolute distances
b) average of vectorial distances (is it close to nil?)

What is the average direction?

What is it per country?

What are the average values of speeds? (A speed vector is a hit vector divided by travel time)
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