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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by kanalskikolovrat »

Thank you kubusik for finding my note" onclick=";return false; . This is my second hit with :flag-sk: :D :D .

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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by bochius »

Thank you sarkasjan for finding my note. This is also my second hit with :flag-sk: :D :)

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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by klapotec »

Dobrý deň!

I have a question regarding addresses: is there a standard way of abbreviating ulica and námestie? I'd guess ulica might be abbreviated to ul. (like in Slovenian), and námestie to nám.?
Also, what postal code should I use for the Národná Banka main branch in Bratislava? On the website they give 81325, but the Slovenská pošta gives 81107 for that address. I think the latter one is more geographically correct, and the former one probably a company postal code? Can someone clear this up?
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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by 263735 »

ulica = ul = Street
námestie = nám. = Square

Postal code 81325 is correct postal code for NBS. But this is company postal code and only NBS can use this postal code.

81107 is correct postal code for the "Imricha Karvaša" street in Bratislava.

When are you sending a letter to NBS, you can use 81325, but If you use 81107 it's not error.

Geographically correct is 81107.
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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by klapotec »

263735 wrote:ulica = ul = Street
námestie = nám. = Square

Postal code 81325 is correct postal code for NBS. But this is company postal code and only NBS can use this postal code.

81107 is correct postal code for the "Imricha Karvaša" street in Bratislava.

When are you sending a letter to NBS, you can use 81325, but If you use 81107 it's not error.

Geographically correct is 81107.
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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by rlaurenssen »

Not EBT related, but congratulations with winning the footbal game against Italia. Great job, but be aware the changes are great that you guys will
play against Holland in de 1/8 Finals. :lol:
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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by gulocka »

rlaurenssen wrote:Not EBT related, but congratulations with winning the footbal game against Italia. Great job, but be aware the changes are great that you guys will
play against Holland in de 1/8 Finals. :lol:
thanks :)
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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by Elmo »

Finally they are here: the Slovakian eurobills! The first one - a :note-20: - has been found in Rome:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by doiknow »

The following text was translated with the aid of the google translation tool. Below the 'slovakian' version you will find a copy of the english original.

Nedávno tam bolo niekoľko výziev z mála krajín, každý sa snaží vstúpiť najviac poznámok v danom čase. My teraz myslel na EBT-široký problém, a vypracovali niekoľko vylepšení considdering kritiku bývalého problémov.

24. marca od 00h fínska času (GMT +2 h) do 24 hodín neskôr (25. marca 00h GMT +2 h) bude EBT-široký problém deje. Tímy sú rozdelené nasledovne:
Tím 1:
zvyšok sveta
Tím 2:
Rakúsko, Fínsko a Nemecko

Čo je to výzva?
Úlohou je - ako názov napovedá - aspoň z dvoch strán - z ktorých jedna bola 'challenger' a druhý je 'napadnúť'. Z pochopiteľných dôvodov, hovorme im tím 2 a Team 1, resp. Každý tím sa snaží získať viac bodov - v nejakej kritérium - ako súper (y) podarilo dosiahnuť. Po nejakej dobe limit (v našom prípade na konci dňa vo Fínsku), sú body, porovnávajú a je určený víťaz. V prípade týchto výziev EBT normálne patrí kritérium 'dlhopisov uzavretej'. Na rozdiel od maďarsky-belgickej súťaže hity nebudú započítané. V tejto súťaži formát budeme len porovnať počet poznámok každý tím vstúpil po 24 hodinách (inak nie-jeden mohol poraziť fínskej party hit za následok nekalú hospodársku súťaž formát).
Víťaz bude tímu, ktorý dokáže zadať viac poznámok v rámci týchto 24 hodín je v otázke.

Prečo si sa ste nás informovali predtým?
Ako už bolo uvedené vyššie došlo k niekoľkým problémom na EBT a väčšina z nich sa stali tradičné (tj pán-fínskej súťaže v októbri a hry medzi Holandskom a Belgickom v piatok 13.). Zakaždým, keď tieto problémy užívania sa stane obrovské množstvo poznámok je zapísaná v EBT vedie k myšlienkam, že niektorí užívatelia môžu uložiť svoje poznámky v predstihu, aby do nich v hromadnom keď výzvu nakoniec koná. Aby ste sa vyhli tomuto bodu kritiky sme sa rozhodli držať výzvu tajomstvo až niekoľko hodín pred jeho konaním pre nie-jeden by mohol podvádzať - na vedomie, že by ste mohli ešte mať možnosť upozorniť svoju banku a to spôsobom, ako 'ja sa vrátim - vo štvrtok '.

Prečo Rakúsko, Fínsko a Nemecko by to nemalo byť Austrálie, Fidži a Guatemala miesto?
Ehm - všeobecne áno, ale to by nás všetky poctivej hospodárskej súťaže - by to?
Pôvodne to bolo plánoval mať len Fínsko a Nemecko náročné zvyšku sveta, avšak na vedomie zadanie tarify neboli dostatočné pre spravodlivú hospodársku súťaž. Takže sme potrebovali pridať tretej krajine, ktorá by sa zmeniť rovnováhu príliš v prospech pre nejaký tím. To by mohlo byť aj Holandsko či Belgicko - dobre, ale nakoniec sa z dôvodov súvisiacich jazyk priniesla nám pridať Rakúska - teda žiadny z fóra je rozdelená, čo je ďalšia výhoda v organizácii.

Chcem hrať za iný tím!
Ehm áno, to je problém, ktorý sme nevyšlo žiadne riešenie pre ...

Dátum: 24. marca (GMT +2 h / fínsky času)
Čas: 00h - 24h (fínska čas / GMT +2 h)
Tím nastavenia:
Rakúsko, Fínsko, Nemecko vs zvyšok sveta
Cieľ: Váš tím vstúpi viac poznámok na EBT ako družstvo súpera ...

English original text:
Recently there have been several challenges of a few countries each trying to enter most notes in a given time. We now thought of an EBT-wide challenge and worked out some improvements considdering criticism of former challenges.

On March 24 from 00h finnish time (GMT+2h) up to 24h later (March 25 00h GMT+2h) there will be a EBT-wide challenge going on. The teams are assigned as follows:
Team 1:
the rest of the world
Team 2:
Austria, Finland and Germany

What is a challenge?
A challenge consists - as the name suggests - of at least two parties - one being the 'challenger' and the other one being the 'challenged'. For obvious reasons, let's call them Team 2 and Team 1 respectively. Each team tries to gain more points - in some kind of criterion - than the opponent(s) manage to achieve. After some time limit (in our case the end of the day in Finland) the points are compared and a winner is determined. In the case of EBT those challenges normaly include the criterion 'notes entered'. In contrast to the netherlandic-belgian contests the hits won't be counted. In this competition format we will only compare the number of notes each team has entered after 24 hours (otherwise no-one could beat the finnish hit party resulting in an unfair competition format).
The winner will be the team that manages to enter more notes within these 24 hours being in question.

Why havn't you informed us earlier?
As already mentioned above there have been several challenges at EBT and most of them have become traditional (i.e. the pan-finnish contest in October and the games between the Netherlands and Belgium on Friday 13). Everytime these challenges use to happen a huge number of notes is entered at EBT leading to the thoughts that some of the users might save their notes in advance to enter them in a bulk when the challenge finally takes place. To avoid this point of criticism we decided to keep the challenge secret until some hours before it takes place for no-one might cheat - note that you might still have the opportunity to warn your bank in a way like 'I'll be back - on Thursday'.

Why Austria, Finland and Germany couldn't it have been Australia, Fiji and Guatemala instead?
Ehm - generally yes, however this wouldn't get us any fair competition - would it?
Originally it was planned to have just Finland and Germany challenging the rest of the world, however the note entering rates weren't sufficient for a fair competition. So we needed to add a third country that wouldn't change the balance too much in favor for any team. This could also have been the Netherlands or Belgium - well but finally language related reasons brought us to add Austria - thus none of the forums is split which is another advantage in organisation.

I want to play for the other team!
Ehm yes that's a problem we didn't work out any solution for...

Date: March 24 (GMT+2h/finnish time)
Time: 00h - 24h (finnish time/ GMT+2h)
Team setup:
Austria, Finland, Germany vs the rest of the world
Goal: Your team enters more notes at EBT than the opposing team...
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My dots are of the same order as 10.
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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by thatsme-p. »

HI N€mo,

thanks for the great Hit, my first 500er.

Greatings from Erwitte Peter B.
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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by bochius »

thatsme-p. wrote:HI N€mo,

thanks for the great Hit, my first 500er.

Greatings from Erwitte Peter B.

My pleasure!

Greetins from Slovenia, Boris R. :D
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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by Marco1970 »

I hope this :flag-si: :flag-nl: hit will inspire AirMiran to start entering notes again!
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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by jrnsndrs »

It was me a great pleasure so send this note to Slovakia. Congratulations and thanks to Jarči for finding it, on a special day for our country.
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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by Dioniz »

Marco1970 wrote:I hope this :flag-si: :flag-nl: hit will inspire AirMiran to start entering notes again!
It didn't. Maybe he's a geographer ... :lol:
My profile & EBTST & Hit-dots map
Hits: 616x :flag-si:, 277x :flag-at:, 52x :flag-de:, 24x :flag-it:, 10x :flag-nl:, 7x :flag-be:, 5x :flag-fi:, 5x :flag-sk:, 3x :flag-fr:, 1x :flag-ee:, 1x :flag-gr:, 1x :flag-hr:, 1x :flag-lt:, 1x :flag-pt:, 1x :flag-es:, 1x ME, 1x :flag-at: :flag-at:, 1x :flag-be: :flag-be:, 1x :flag-be: :flag-at:, 1x :flag-fr: :flag-de:
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Re: For English speaking visitors

Post by jonman »

i finally had my first hit with :flag-sk: :D
thanks a lot, sm. :wink:
am i correct that stará just means old?
My profile
22.9.14 90. :note-200: entered
9.9.14 50. :note-500: entered
17.8.14 300. hit occured
12.8.14 550. :note-100: entered
28.7.14 5000. :note-10: entered
16.11.13 3 years of EBT
10.9.13 25000. note entered
30.7.13 15000. :note-5: entered
23.7.13 2500. :note-20: entered
7.2.13 1000. :note-50: entered
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