S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

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S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by eddydevries »

It might be very soon to you (the Winter meeting 2019 hasn't started yet), but some may already be thinking about the Summer EBT Meeting of this year.

In this topic, you can volunteer to organize Summer EBT Meeting 2019. This topic will be closed on 7th of April 2019 (around 17:00 GMT / 18:00 CET / 19:00 EET), so the BoD can start to discuss about the candidates in April. But advice: don't wait until end of March with discussing and to look for possible volunteers with organizing, you might be ending the only organizer.

To avoid problems with the time for organising the Winter EBT meeting 2020, the BoD wisches the Summer meeting to be organized not too late.
The period suggested would be in the summer (from July to September), with the suggestion of August.

Requirements/conditions/guidelines for organizers:
  • Two organizers or more. One will be appointed as the main organizer
  • The main organizer is at least 21 years old
  • The main organizer should be able to communicate in English
  • At least one of the organizers should have participated in an official international Eurobilltracker meeting
  • At least one of the organizers should live in or know the city where the event will take place very well
  • At least one of the organizers should have organized a national EBT meeting
Requirements/conditions/guidelines for candidate city:
  • The city should have a certain touristic appeal. International EBTM participants will stay for more than one day and they should be able to see more things than they will see on the meeting day.
  • The city should be located near an international airport.
  • The city should have a railroad station, preferable an international railroad station
  • There should be youth hostels nearby where people can stay cheap
  • There should be a few restaurants which are able to have a large group of people eating there or two/three restaurants located near each other which can handle some smaller groups.
Remember this a checklist. If a candidate doesn't match all of these conditions, it still can be a candidate to organize an official international eurobilltracker meeting.
Still, the more requirements a candidate-organizing team has, the more credibility the candidacy has.

Candidates place your candidacy here in this thread before 7th April.
If you do so, give us:
  • The name(s) of the organizing team;
  • The city you want to organize Summer EBTM18 in;
  • The dates that you can organize it; a detailed schedule of the event is not needed, the big lines are appreciated.
Please, keep this thread for candidates only!
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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by Finsk »

Hello all ! It's one week from W-EBTM 2019 and it's time to think about S-EBTM 2019.

I would like to suggest Turku, Finland :flag-fi: for this year's meeting place. Last time the S-EBTM has been in Turku in 2014, so I thought that the notes used then, have had time to spread around the world (well around Finland at last :D ).

For the timing of S-EBTM I've been thinking weekend between 2 and 4 august 2019.

Feel free to comment and discuss about the dates and this idea.

Hope to see you in Turku this summer!

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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by Jackgaillard »

I m not able to suggest Paris, France :flag-fr: but I would like that Someone could do it.
It's been 13 years that EBTM didn't take place in :flag-fr:
I could help if possible
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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by wisi »

Personally I'd like to have a meeting in France, indeed Paris would be great. I think we'd go if it would be possible. But I think there are also many other nice cities in France - what about Lille? Maybe with a final point in Arras?
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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by LArdennais »

Jackgaillard wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 1:19 pm I m not able to suggest Paris, France :flag-fr: but I would like that Someone could do it.
It's been 13 years that EBTM didn't take place in :flag-fr:
I could help if possible
And the Meeting in :flag-fr: Rouen ? That was in 2013... :|
But...Why not a meeting in :flag-fr: ? ;)
http://liste.eurobillets.free.fr/ : don't miss it every day ! à zieuter tous les jours ! kijk elke dag ! :D

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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by Ludwigsfeld »

I would also suggest a meeting in :flag-fr:
It has not neccessarily to be Paris, there are a lot of interesting smaller cities: Lille, Calais, Dunkerque, Amiens, Reims, Caen, Avignon, Dijon etc.... :D
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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by mico »

Ludwigsfeld wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2019 12:45 pm there are a lot of interesting smaller cities: Lille, Calais, Dunkerque, Amiens, Reims, Caen, Avignon, Dijon etc.... :D
:flag-fr: Nice
:flag-mc: Principality of Monaco
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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by MDeen »

mico wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:47 pm
:flag-mc: Principality of Monaco
Can we move it to the weekend of the 25th of may then? :mrgreen:

We've also been thinking about Kosovo. Very interesting on monetary level, maybe not so much on the tourism level.
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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by eddydevries »

Last night the Summer Meeting has been discussed in the Board.
There are still some questions.
To give anyone good chances, there was decided to extend the deadline until next boardmeeting (which will be at May 19th at 19.00 CEST)

So, if you want to nominate your/a city, you still can do.

In the mean time, the board will talk to some people.
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S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by Jackgaillard »

philgelico and I would like to candidate Lille :flag-fr: for SEBTM 2019 on 24th and 25th August
Lille is placed in center of europe and is an attractive tourist place.
last meeting in :flag-fr: was WEBTM 2013 in ROUEN
you know that french ATM can't give you :note-5: but :flag-be: kbc/cbc or Bpost ATM are very close and Lille has its own casino.

our program is ready including for saturday
lille belfry = Unesco's World Heritage
Lunch in a self service
old stock exchange
Notre dame de la treille Cathedral
(stairway for group photography)

and birthplace of Charles de Gaulle
and for sunday your choice
Musée du Louvre-Lens free entrance for Time gallery and a cafeteria for lunch
Arras 17h century square

cheap accomodation is possible with youth-hostel
airport are CDG BRU and CRL then flixbus or train (early booking will cost for return ticket less than 20 € by bus or 50-100 by train)
then you can stay in Lille to attend International flea market named Braderie de Lille which take place on august 31. It's spread over 100 km with 10000 sellers and 2 millions visitors
back to paris and have great time

Phil & Jack
Last edited by Jackgaillard on Tue May 28, 2019 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by Finsk »


To give everyone view what it would be like in Turku, my plan for S-EBTM 2019 program is:

c. 15.00/16.00 visit to Turku Cathedral. After cathedral we continue to some bar/restaurant according to general opinion.

c. 09.00/10.00 visit to some museum.
c. 12.00 lunch of your choice.
c. 13.00/14.00 visit to Kakola area (former prison).
c. 18.00 dinner together at restaurant in Turku.

After dinner we do something exciting to celebrate Euro 20 years :lol:

Dot hunting in Naantali (lovely small town next to Turku).

In the timetable I have left space for ATM hunting and/or getting exchange for the following activity :D

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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by Jackgaillard »

philgelico and I have candidated Lille :flag-fr: for SEBTM 2019 on 24th and 25th August (to be discussed)
Lille is placed in center of europe and is an attractive tourist place.
at this time you can see our country following 14th international marathon between Lille and Musée du Louvre-Lens
https://openagenda.com/metropole-europe ... 14?lang=en
Live on tv here :
https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr ... 67539.html
ANd the winner is Langat
Marathon Lille-Lens.jpg
Marathon Lille-Lens.jpg (147.55 KiB) Viewed 5869 times
Note this photo is taken in front of my garage at three km from finish line
it's my house
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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by eddydevries »

The deadline for nominations is over.

We have nominations from Turku and Lille.

Discussed in the board meeting: both nominations are valid.
Because both cities can organize the Summer meeting, we decided to let you choose where the meeting will be held.

You can vote for the city in this topic.
For the record: once voted you can't change your vote anymore.

The time to organize will be rather short, therefor this poll will only last for two weeks (so ending on 2nd June).

After that we know where to book tickets to :mrgreen: .
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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by eddydevries »

If you haven't voted yet, this is your last chance: The deadline is next Sunday.
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Re: S-EBTM 2019: Nominate your City

Post by eddydevries »

The voting is over.

"Lille won"

Congratulations goes to Lille: they'll be privileged to host our visit. :mrgreen:

Jackgaillard already has started some topics (like Generals Information and Who will come).
Eddy - Rotterdam - NL
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