Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by marbe166 »

lapislazuli_18 wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 10:08 am
Dakkus wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:15 pm At least earlier it was not possible choosing the notes yourself, so I doubt it is possible now, either. The 5€ notes aren't there for Eurobilltrackers, but for the normal Estonians who want to be able to withdraw also smaller amounts of money. After all, the largest note Estonia had before joining the Euro was worth 500 EEK, which is about 33€. And you didn't see that one very often. Already 100 EEK (6,67€) felt like quite a big note and could sometimes get you complaints about using an oversized note.
I actually wanted to ask an estonian about that, why were Estonian Kroon bills so low? I mean in Spain our biggest was 10,000 ESP which means €60,10 althought in present value that would make around €90 or €100... I still consider that not that big, that's why I was a bit surprised by the low value of EEK.
I personally was fond of the small notes of the EEK, it meant that there was less (worthful) coins to handle. Also the fact that there was a 25 EEK note was quite nice and unusual. I wish that there were €1 and €2 notes instead of coins.
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by lapislazuli_18 »

Yeah, I understand. For the sake of bill tracking the lower the notes are, the better. but it may be inconvenient for Central Banks to issue very low denomination notes (think of the US$1 note or the worthless, inflated argentinian peso notes going from 20 pesos to 2000 pesos). For us it is great but for the average citizen it must feel like a huge nuisance to be carrying around that much paper.
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by Puupenni - Wooden Penny »

I will come to Tallinn after two weeks and stay there almost a week. Can anyone tell me if there is a place in Tallinn where I can get like 50 fivers without paying an extra fee?

I always bring some 50 to 100 fivers with me when going to other country. Earlier is has always been so easy to change them to bigger notes as it seems that in small shops and cafes they love small notes. In Catalunya they sometimes even have given me a cup of coffee for free as it cost them money to get fivers and other small notes from a bank.

By the way this time there are fivers from Lissabon and Barcelona in my travel belt when coming to Tallinn. Happy hunting in January!
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