Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

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Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by sambrasa »

Anything involving Estonian EBT that might puzzle our non-Estonian speakers.
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by Dakkus »

There has been a support request in the Eurobilltracker Support System, mentioning that the Estonian EBT forum still lacks the additional text that the forums for other languages have on the list of different parts of the EBT forum.

Here's a picture of what I mean:

What would you like to have written there? The suggestion the person filing the support request gave was: "Arvamusi ja ettepanekuid eesti keeles". Do you find that OK, or would you for some reason prefer something else?

Currently other languages have such stuff written on that place: wrote:English: Post here your opinion about the site, wishlists for improvements, ideas ...
French: Your opinion is important, suggestions ...
German: Have you got suggestions, comments, ideas...?
Dutch: Give us your opinion. Have you got ideas we could use to make the site better? Share it with us!
Italian: Discussion regarding the site and Euro-tracking in Italian language
Spanish: (Sorry, my Spanish knowledge wasn't enough for translating this safely)
Finnish: Tell your opinion/opinions and suggestions in Finnish
Portuguese: Conversations and opinions in Portuguese
Greek: ??? BLOP BLOP FRÖÖÖGH (Or perhaps something else. My Greek is a bit rusty)
Slovenian: (This sounds partially understandable to me, but I still can't safely figure out what "tukaj" might mean)
Maltese: Discussion regarding the site and euro tracking in the Maltese language.
Slovakian: (Yes, they seem to be saying something there)
Estonian: (This seems a bit empty to my eyes. For now.)
As you can see, there is some space for variation regarding what to write there. So, what is your collective opinion? ;)

Also the text "Saidi ja Euro arutelu (Eesti)" can be changed if something else is preferred.
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by Dioniz »

Dakkus wrote:Slovenian: (This sounds partially understandable to me, but I still can't safely figure out what "tukaj" might mean)
"Tukaj" (or "tu") means "here". :wink:
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by yuriss »

thanks to treksek to find my bill back :lol: :P :!: :!: :!:" onclick=";return false; hit hit
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by joergb30 »

... and many thanks Treksek for my first :flag-ee: :flag-ee: domestic hit :D
I got this bill in the SEB, wrote the serial down and changed it again for brandnew :flag-ee: coins.
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ATMs in Estonia

Post by Elmo »

Next week I am going to Estonia, and I have a question about the ATMs over there. I have noticed that they give :note-5: (Hooray!! :D ), but I would like to know if the ATMs give the chosen amount as large as possible (for example €50 in 1x :note-50: ), if they give it in a number of smaller, but pre-determined compositions where you can choose your composition (for example: if you withdraw €50, you can choose between, say, 1x :note-50: or 2x :note-20: +2x :note-5: or 3x :note-10: +4x :note-5: ) or if it is possible to determine the composition yourself (like with the German Volksbank-ATMs). Answers are highly appreciated. :)
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Re: ATMs in Estonia

Post by joergb30 »

Elmo wrote:Next week I am going to Estonia, and I have a question about the ATMs over there. I have noticed that they give :note-5: (Hooray!! :D ), but I would like to know if the ATMs give the chosen amount as large as possible (for example €50 in 1x :note-50: ), if they give it in a number of smaller, but pre-determined compositions where you can choose your composition (for example: if you withdraw €50, you can choose between, say, 1x :note-50: or 2x :note-20: +2x :note-5: or 3x :note-10: +4x :note-5: ) or if it is possible to determine the composition yourself (like with the German Volksbank-ATMs). Answers are highly appreciated. :)
Unfortunately I can't answer your question because I ever change in the banks directly. Note changing in Tallinn may be difficult because the banks usually require 0.5 to 4% fees and the cashiers may ask you for passport so it's better to visit smaller towns.
Btw. don't forget to take loads of :flag-nl: coins with you - it's very easy to change it 1:1 in brandnew :flag-ee: in local banks (no passport, no fee :D ).
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by Dakkus »

At least earlier it was not possible choosing the notes yourself, so I doubt it is possible now, either. The 5€ notes aren't there for Eurobilltrackers, but for the normal Estonians who want to be able to withdraw also smaller amounts of money. After all, the largest note Estonia had before joining the Euro was worth 500 EEK, which is about 33€. And you didn't see that one very often. Already 100 EEK (6,67€) felt like quite a big note and could sometimes get you complaints about using an oversized note.
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by dserrano5 »

Both for completeness and for bringing up this unresolved topic again:
Dakkus wrote: wrote:Spanish: (Sorry, my Spanish knowledge wasn't enough for translating this safely)
The spanish "Coloca aquí tus opiniones acerca de la web, ideas, sugerencias, listas" can be translated as "Say your opinion about the web, ideas, suggestions and lists here". Don't know what "lists" is about, I'll ask the moderation ;).
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by avij »

So, how's it going down there?

Last year 57674 notes were entered in Estonia, resulting in 562 hits. 326 new users registered in 2011. It's a good start, but I'm sure there's still plenty of space for improvement :wink:
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by starcapitan »

Ciao Estonian Friends, i like a lot your country for many reasons. First, i have to say, for the dream girl on earth C. Kass (i play chess), then because u have got a territory in a particular place , and it reflects in the €urocoins, really elegant masterpieces. I am a Nort Italy (Genoa) tracker and i wish u all the best. Hit hit and again hit
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by Alyon »

Hi everybody from Italy! Today i'm very happy because i done my first hit! It's a :note-20: inserted from :flag-ie: Dublin by an Eesti user: Kraan :flag-ee:
This is the link:

Anyone konw Kraan?? I would be happy to have a word with him :D
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by O´Leipzig »

Lots of thanks to Treksek for the first input of this bill I received today in a drugstore at Offenbach:" onclick=";return false;

My first hit with Estonia - that´s a great pleasure for me!
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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by savesigita »

Tere everyone!
We are coming soon to wonderful Eesti, but for the first time as EBT members :)

that means that we are bringing a lot of Italian notes to make hits with! ;)

We just wanted to know, since you still don't have your own notes, which are the most common serial letters for :note-5: :note-10: and :note-20: you can find in your country? (i don't ask about :note-50: cos i don't think we'll be able to get so much of them :D)

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Re: Comments in English for non-Estonian speakers

Post by Ladybug74 »

My second tripple hit, many thanks to Kraan :D
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