The English Thread in the Maltese section

Diskussjonijiet dwar is-Sit u dwar l-Ewro-tracking bil-lingwa Maltija

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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by Ewri »

Some interesting explanations by staff at the Central Bank of Malta yesterday, during the Notte Bianca event. The coin collection of the central bank was open for the public. Had to queue for approx 45 minutes to get in there but it was well worthed.

In particular, a newly aquired coin, thought to be the oldest coin (1980) known to be minted in Malta was available for us to see.
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by Ernesto_due »

G/F :note-20: got today in Vienna

Today I got my first :note-20: note coded with G/F in a students pub in Vienna. But - this notes seems to be very spare (here) in Middle Europe.

Keep on trackin' - we'll try to find you ...

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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by Sharatan3 »

One of my sisters gave me another :note-20: G009/F0006
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by ART »


No problem in case of strange movements of the Libyan air force: the Italian air force bases Gioia del Colle (4) and Trapani (5) are in maximum allert with fighters standby 5 min.
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by Sharatan3 »

ART wrote:No problem in case of strange movements of the Libyan air force: the Italian air force bases Gioia del Colle (4) and Trapani (5) are in maximum allert with fighters standby 5 min.
In just three minutes two Libyan planes landed right in the middle of the main runway without say or asking nothing and without us even knowing they were on our way. I don't want to insinuate anything but I'm pretty sure that the Trapani planes won't be here on time if ever anything happens all of a sudden. I know that Italy considers Malta as it's little sister and that just like an older sister would protect her younger one if anything bad would happen to her but with today's modern armaments it could be just a little bit to late. What I mean is that If ever Uncle C.M.G would want to do us Maltese harm and take us by surprise no-one would be able to stop him let alone preventing it from happening.

To be honest, on one side I'm at ease that we have a big sister just next to us but on the other side I'm worried that even our big sister can go through some very bad experiences because of Uncle C.M.G. as both of us are right across the "street" (sea) from him.
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by ART »

No fear: in maximum alarm condition 2 fighters are always in flight and others ready in 5 min.
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by Sharatan3 »

ART wrote:No fear: in maximum alarm condition 2 fighters are always in flight and others ready in 5 min.
I don't only have fear for us but for your southern regions as well. People say that Libya is not that armed but you can never believe him and his friends as with the money he's got he can get hold of a lot of military toys! Even though the US was in conflict with him and then they arranged things between them, afterwords they could have agreed to sell him those toys for some liquid black gold. He could also have acquired some toys from other muslim friends like Mubarak and Ahmadinejad. Even Putin and Hu could be linked to this.

Don't say that I'm accusing anyone but for money and power anyone would do anything.
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by Ewri »

At the moment, Malta is being used as first step out of horror as many foreigners in Libya are coming to Malta to get flights to their respective countries. 180 in today and 2 more flights scheduled for tomorrow.

On the light side of the story, someone put up for sale (as a joke) the 2 fighter jets which arrived yesterday:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by ART »

Sharatan3 wrote:I don't only have fear for us but for your southern regions as well. People say that Libya is not that armed but you can never believe him and his friends as with the money he's got he can get hold of a lot of military toys!
No problem, no problem...

Against this


and this


doesn't exist Russian, Chinese or Muslim "military toy" that can provoke damages.
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by Sharatan3 »

Ewri wrote:At the moment, Malta is being used as first step out of horror as many foreigners in Libya are coming to Malta to get flights to their respective countries. 180 in today and 2 more flights scheduled for tomorrow.

On the light side of the story, someone put up for sale (as a joke) the 2 fighter jets which arrived yesterday:" onclick=";return false;

I can bid a €2 E.M.U.- :flag-mt: commemorative coin for one of them. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by Sharatan3 »

ART wrote:
Sharatan3 wrote:I don't only have fear for us but for your southern regions as well. People say that Libya is not that armed but you can never believe him and his friends as with the money he's got he can get hold of a lot of military toys!
No problem, no problem...

Against this


and this


doesn't exist Russian, Chinese or Muslim "military toy" that can provoke damages.

As they say... Never say never! But I hope that we won't get down to that.
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by ART »

Near the Libyan territorial waters it has been deployed also a destroyer in order to control eventual suspicious movements of Libyan forces." onclick=";return false;
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by ART »

Also the new A-A Destroyer Andrea Doria. ... -rm07b.jpg" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by doiknow »

The following text was translated with the aid of the google translation tool. Below the 'maltese' version you will find a copy of the english original.

Riċentement kien hemm diversi sfidi ta 'ftit pajjiżi kull jippruvaw jidħlu jinnota l-aktar fi żmien partikolari. Aħna issa riflessjoni ta 'kontestazzjoni EBT-wiesgħa u jinħadmu xi titjib considdering kritika ta' sfidi ta 'qabel.

Fuq Marzu 24 minn 00h żmien Finlandiż (GMT +2 h) sa 24 siegħa wara (25 Mar 00h GMT +2 h) se jkun hemm sfida EBT kollha għaddejjin. It-timijiet huma assenjati kif ġej:
Tim 1:
il-bqija tad-dinja
Tim 2:
Awstrija, il-Finlandja u l-Ġermanja

X'inhu sfida?
A isfida tikkonsisti - kif tissuġġerixxi l-isem - ta 'mill-inqas żewġ partijiet - wieħed minnhom il-"isfidant" u l-ieħor huwa l-"kkontestati". Għal raġunijiet ovvji, let's jsejħulhom Tim 2 u Tim 1 rispettivament. Kull tim jipprova biex jiksbu aktar punti - f'xi tip ta 'kriterju - milli l-opponent (i) tmexxi biex jintlaħaq. Wara xi limitu ta 'żmien (fil-każ tagħna l-aħħar tal-ġurnata fil-Finlandja) il-punti jiġu mqabbla u r-rebbieħ huwa determinat. Fil-każ ta 'EBT dawn l-isfidi normaly jinkludu l-kriterju "noti mdaħħla". B'kuntrast mal-kompetizzjonijiet netherlandic-Belġjan il-hits mhux se jingħaddu. F'dan il-format tal-kompetizzjoni aħna se tqabbel biss l-għadd ta 'noti kull tim tkun daħlet wara 24 siegħa (mod ieħor ħadd ma seta' taħbit il-parti milquta Finlandiż jirriżultaw f'format kompetizzjoni żleali).
Ir-rebbieħ ser ikun it-tim li tamministra li jidħol noti aktar fi ħdan dawn 24 siegħa jkunu fil-kwistjoni.

Għaliex havn't inti infurmat magħna preċedenti?
Kif diġà msemmi hawn fuq sfidi kien hemm diversi EBT u ħafna minnhom saru tradizzjonali (jiġifieri l-konkors pan-Finlandiż f'Ottubru u l-logħob bejn l-Olanda u l-Belġju dwar il-Ġimgħa 13). Everytime dawn l-isfidi l-użu li jiġri numru kbir ta 'noti hija imdaħħla fil EBT li jwassal għall-ħsibijiet li xi wħud mill-utenti jistgħu jiffrankaw noti tagħhom qabel jidħlu fihom fi kwantitajiet kbar meta l-isfida finalment sseħħ. Biex jiġi evitat dan il-punt ta 'kritika aħna iddeċieda li jżomm is-sigriet isfida sa ftit sigħat qabel ma jseħħ għall-ebda wieħed jista iqarrqu - innota li inti tista' xorta jkollha l-opportunità biex iwissu bank tiegħek b'mod simili "I'll jiġu lura - nhar il-Ħamis ".

Għaliex l-Awstrija, il-Finlandja u l-Ġermanja ma setgħux minnha jkunu ġew l-Awstralja, il-Fiġi u l-Gwatemala minflok?
Ehm - ġeneralment iva, iżda dan mhux se tikseb magħna kwalunkwe kompetizzjoni ġusta - ikun jidher?
Oriġinarjament kien ippjanat li jkollhom biss il-Finlandja u l-Ġermanja tikkontesta l-bqija tad-dinja, ir-rati madankollu in-nota li jidħlu ma kinux biżżejjed għal kompetizzjoni ġusta. Allura għandna bżonn li żżid pajjiż terz li ma tibdilx il-bilanċ wisq favur għal kull tim. Dan jista 'wkoll kienu l-Olanda jew il-Belġju - ukoll imma finalment lingwistiċi relatati raġunijiet miġjuba magħna biex iżidu l-Awstrija - għalhekk l-ebda fora hija maqsuma li hija vantaġġ ieħor fl-organizzazzjoni.

Irrid li jkollha għall-oħra tat-tim!
Ehm iva li l-problema aħna ma taħdem kwalunkwe soluzzjoni għal ...

Data: 24 Marzu (GMT +2 h / ħin Finlandiż)
Time: 00h - 24h (ħin Finlandiż / GMT +2 h)
setup Team:
Awstrija, Finlandja, il-Ġermanja vs il-bqija tad-dinja
Goal: tim tiegħek jidħol jinnota aktar fil EBT mill-iskwadra opposta ...

English original:
Recently there have been several challenges of a few countries each trying to enter most notes in a given time. We now thought of an EBT-wide challenge and worked out some improvements considdering criticism of former challenges.

On March 24 from 00h finnish time (GMT+2h) up to 24h later (March 25 00h GMT+2h) there will be a EBT-wide challenge going on. The teams are assigned as follows:
Team 1:
the rest of the world
Team 2:
Austria, Finland and Germany

What is a challenge?
A challenge consists - as the name suggests - of at least two parties - one being the 'challenger' and the other one being the 'challenged'. For obvious reasons, let's call them Team 2 and Team 1 respectively. Each team tries to gain more points - in some kind of criterion - than the opponent(s) manage to achieve. After some time limit (in our case the end of the day in Finland) the points are compared and a winner is determined. In the case of EBT those challenges normaly include the criterion 'notes entered'. In contrast to the netherlandic-belgian contests the hits won't be counted. In this competition format we will only compare the number of notes each team has entered after 24 hours (otherwise no-one could beat the finnish hit party resulting in an unfair competition format).
The winner will be the team that manages to enter more notes within these 24 hours being in question.

Why havn't you informed us earlier?
As already mentioned above there have been several challenges at EBT and most of them have become traditional (i.e. the pan-finnish contest in October and the games between the Netherlands and Belgium on Friday 13). Everytime these challenges use to happen a huge number of notes is entered at EBT leading to the thoughts that some of the users might save their notes in advance to enter them in a bulk when the challenge finally takes place. To avoid this point of criticism we decided to keep the challenge secret until some hours before it takes place for no-one might cheat - note that you might still have the opportunity to warn your bank in a way like 'I'll be back - on Thursday'.

Why Austria, Finland and Germany couldn't it have been Australia, Fiji and Guatemala instead?
Ehm - generally yes, however this wouldn't get us any fair competition - would it?
Originally it was planned to have just Finland and Germany challenging the rest of the world, however the note entering rates weren't sufficient for a fair competition. So we needed to add a third country that wouldn't change the balance too much in favor for any team. This could also have been the Netherlands or Belgium - well but finally language related reasons brought us to add Austria - thus none of the forums is split which is another advantage in organisation.

I want to play for the other team!
Ehm yes that's a problem we didn't work out any solution for...

Date: March 24 (GMT+2h/finnish time)
Time: 00h - 24h (finnish time/ GMT+2h)
Team setup:
Austria, Finland, Germany vs the rest of the world
Goal: Your team enters more notes at EBT than the opposing team...
One Currency, one Union, one Eurobilltracker...
My dots are of the same order as 10.
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Re: The English Thread in the Maltese section

Post by Petri6 »

I don't know if this is a right place to post it, but I just attended a week long conference in your country and just wanted to tell you all that I really enjoyed it. The landscape was amazing and the people were very nice and friendly. Too bad that it was this time of the year and from what I understood it's the coldest winter in a long time over there.
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