Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Mate navrhy, komentare alebo napady na vylepsenie...?

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Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by gulocka »

Napadlo ma, ci by mal niekto zaujem o stretnutia.. Myslim, ze neskor urcite, a preto otvaram tuto temu :) Aby sme to zase nedavali kade-tade :)
Tesim sa, ak to bude pre nas vsetkych zaujimava tema :)
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Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by moabster »

Tak ja by som isiel, ak by to bolo v rozumnej vzialenosti.
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Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by gulocka »

moabster wrote:Tak ja by som isiel, ak by to bolo v rozumnej vzialenosti.
NO slovensko nemame zase az take velke :)
ale urcite sa najdu kompromisy pre vsetkych.
Kto este nevie, tak v marci je stretko v Taliansku a v lete vo Viedni.
ale myslim, ze o tychto akciach je zvlast tema :)

Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by destroyer_svk »

A ako prebieha resp. vyzera take stretnutie EBT userov ? :)
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Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by studan »

to by aj mna zaujimalo... len rozmyslam, ze sa pojdem v lete pozriet do tej viedne, aby sme mohli daco podobne spachat aj na Slovensku :wink:
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Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by gulocka »

studan wrote:to by aj mna zaujimalo... len rozmyslam, ze sa pojdem v lete pozriet do tej viedne, aby sme mohli daco podobne spachat aj na Slovensku :wink:
takze vraj fotky su na http://www.eurobilltracker.com/gallery/

:) aku taku predstavu mozte ziskat uz z tychto akcii.
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Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by gulocka »

-STAR- wrote:Dear :flag-sk: Slovakian fellow trackers,

since :flag-at: Austria -and especially Vienna- is not too far away from the border of your lovely country,
I'd like to invite all of you to our regular EBT meetings that take place approximately once per month.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 16th and we will gather in Meidling, Vienna's 12th district,
where we visit Biergasthof Otto at around 7 pm. We have a history of international visitors at our meetings
like haemoglobin, helloggs, Luise, Mil€s66, Nerzhul and TurboTim - why not add your name to the list?
We would love to see some of you any time in the future! :-)

If you intend to come, please contact me by mail or PM (private message) or just leave a post in our
"Vienna"-Thread, so I can reserve a seat for you at the meeting and give you guidance and information
on how you can reach the location - in the past we have even provided shuttle services! ;-)

As you might already know, Vienna will be host to the international EBTM (EuroBillTracker Meeting)
in Summer this year (read more) and we plan to offer a day trip to Bratislava during the meeting.

For the preparation of this event, we will do a "fact finding mission" in travelling to Bratislava ourselves,
gaining an impression on the various sights and places and probably meet with some of you for an
ad-hoc-meeting in the afternoon, if there's enough interest. Some of the top power-users from Vienna
will be coming, like Burky, ErGo, jack_isidore, nossi, zimmerge and me.
EDIT: We plan this journey for Saturday, April 4th.

If you are interested in a meeting or would like to show us your beautiful town, please do also contact me.
We are looking forward to meeting you!

Takze ak ma niekto zaujem, kludne sa mozte vyjadrit bud tu, alebo private message to franz :)
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Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by damser »

super, aj ja by som mozno zasiel :) z blavy to veru nie je daleko
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Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by gulocka »

Tento rok 2010 sme mali super Meeting v Taliansku, vo Florencii :)
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Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by kerny »

Ktora je nasa gulka? :)
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Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by gulocka »

kerny wrote:Ktora je nasa gulka? :)
gulka fotila :D takze ziadna na tejto fotke :D
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Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by gulocka »

chysta sa niekto na Stretnutie v Barcelone tento September? :) Urcite to bude sranda, znova spozname novu krajinu a bude sa volit novy zastupitel pre Slovensko, nakolko ja sa stahujem do Nemecka. Bola by som rada, keby niekto prisiel :)
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Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by kerny »

gulku navzdy za slovensku sefku aj keby zila v gronsku :mrgreen:
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Re: Akcie a stretnutia EBT

Post by gulocka »

kerny wrote:gulku navzdy za slovensku sefku aj keby zila v gronsku :mrgreen:
tak diky za poctu
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