Highest Short Codes (Updated on 06.01.2025)

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Rotes Gras
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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 01.01.2024)

Post by Rotes Gras »

I'll try to...
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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 01.01.2024)

Post by Rotes Gras »

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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 01.01.2024)

Post by lmviterbo »

Rotes Gras wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 3:07 am Voilà:
Wunderbar, thanks!

WB6746, I presume? (trying to figure out the numbering scheme)
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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 01.01.2024)

Post by Crazy Bob »

:note-50: E028H4 ED318
Rotes Gras
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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 01.01.2024)

Post by Rotes Gras »

lmviterbo wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 3:32 am
Rotes Gras wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 3:07 am Voilà:
Wunderbar, thanks!

WB6746, I presume? (trying to figure out the numbering scheme)
No, it's 6748 I'm afraid.
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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 01.01.2024)

Post by Seltaeb »

:note-5: :flag-es: :flag-eu: V018J5 VC453 C.L. Santander (2024 12 20)

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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 01.01.2024)

Post by mistercesare »

:note-50: S062A4 S**41
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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 01.01.2024)

Post by xja »

:note-50: S063A2 S**51
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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 01.01.2024)

Post by Rotes Gras »

Hi imviterbo. Here's another one from a stall at 14055 Berlin :note-10: W012D3/WB5447
Uns' Uwe
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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 01.01.2024)

Post by Uns' Uwe »

Rotes Gras wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2024 4:29 am Hi imviterbo. Here's another one from a stall at 14055 Berlin :note-10: W012D3/WB5447
Just now, from my neighbourhood ATM in 12101 Berlin:
:note-10: W012B3/WB4846

So the gap is closing a little more...
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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 01.01.2024)

Post by lmviterbo »

Thanks, Rotes Gras and Uns' Uwe. Just from the three notes found, a very attentive member of another forum (nickname: Le Résilient) has found the new numbering scheme. :D
Rotes Gras
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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 01.01.2024)

Post by Rotes Gras »

:note-20: M010C3/MX5549

Received yesterday at Kaufland Brunnenstr, 13355 Berlin
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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 06.01.2025)

Post by ErGo »

Updated on 06.01.2025

There was still 1 higher shortcode for the notes of the old series ES1 ( :note-200: T003G5 by LArdennais).

There was no new combination for the Europa-notes last year, but there were 5 higher shortcode records.

And here the new shortcode records by printer:
ES1: ---
ES2: E028H4, S063A2, U056B5, V034H5 and Y013I6

Changes since last update are marked with red color.

If you find a shortcode (not serialnumber!) higher than the ones on this list, please post the following information in this thread:
  • New (full) shortcode
  • Value of note
  • Countrycode with first 3! significant numbers of serial number (if you had no idea which one, take a look in the list stated below. A quotation mark means that the information is missing)
  • Signature of the ECB president: WD, JCT, MD, CD
If you take part in this topic for the first time, please try to have the note already in your hand if you reported it here. If you only find records in your NIG-statistics (especially with old or not yet existing combinations) its a maximum likelihood that its only a typo.

Highest short codes by series & printer
ES1: Euro-Series 1 - 2002
:note-100: D002E4 - L140 (WD) - aplfi :flag-fi:
:note-5: E011J6 - L102 (JCT) - Elmo :flag-nl:
:note-10: F020I6 - N**288 (JCT) - tigerpranke :flag-de:
:note-50: G044H5 - X862 (MD) - Elmo :flag-nl:
:note-50: H016H5 - P086 (WD) - Elmo :flag-nl:
:note-50: J102H5 - S778 (MD) - tralla :flag-de:
:note-10: K007I6 - T274 (JCT) - japh :flag-ie:
:note-20: L088I6 - U87**0 (MD) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-50: M058H5 - V614 (MD) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-10: N037I6 - Y241 (MD) - 36°C :flag-de:
:note-50: P031H5 - X575 (JCT) - tigerpranke :flag-de:
:note-50: R059H1 - X960 (MD) - scrtr :flag-be:
:note-50: T039H5 - Z8**39 (MD) - slabate :flag-be:
:note-20: U025I5 - M897 (MD) - leofer40 :flag-pt:

ES2: Europa-Series - 2013,2014,2015 and 2017
:note-50: E028H4 - EC419 (CL) - JHN-TX :flag-ie:
:note-10: F006I4 - FA453 (MD) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-5: M010J4 - MA884 (CL) - dawizz :flag-pt:
:note-5: N024J6 - ND**46 (CL) - jack_isidore :flag-at:
:note-50: P009H5 - PC059 (MD) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-50: R039A4 - RE448 (CL) - inDus :flag-de:
:note-50: S063A2 - S**51? (CL) - xja :flag-it:
:note-20: T010I6 - TC045 (MD) - siriusLT :flag-lt:
:note-50: U056B5 - U**??? (CL) - P01 :flag-fr:
:note-50: V034H5 - VD647 (CL) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-50: W015H2 - WB580 (MD) - beaweb :flag-de:
:note-10: X003I6 - XA454 (MD) - greyshade :flag-de:
:note-10: Y013I6 - YB00 (CL) - romain17 :flag-fr:
:note-50: Z022H5 - ZD**471 (MD) - fcbruges :flag-be:

Highest short codes splitted by series, printer & value:

ES1: Euro-Series 1

:flag-fi: D - Setec Oy (Finland)
:note-5: D001G5 - L076 (WD) - LeBaron :flag-fi:
:note-10: D001G5 - L096 (WD) - LeBaron :flag-fi:
:note-20: D001F5 - L100 (WD) - leofer40 :flag-pt:
:note-50: D001E4 - L044 (WD) - croeso :flag-pt:
:note-100: D002E4 - L140 (WD) - aplfi :flag-fi:
:note-200: D001E4 - L059 (WD) - LeBaron :flag-fi:
:note-500: D001E4 - L097 (WD) - leofer40 :flag-pt:

:flag-fr: E - F. C. Oberthur (France - Chantepie)
:note-5: E011J6 - L102 (JCT) - Elmo :flag-nl:
:note-10: E009J6 - X825 (MD) - 36°C :flag-de:
:note-20: E010I6 - X409 (MD) - tralla :flag-de:
:note-50: E005H5 - X914 (MD) - beaweb :flag-de:
:note-100: E005H5 - X209 (MD) - tralla :flag-de:
:note-200: E004H4 - X069 (MD) - The Undertaker :flag-de:

:flag-at: F - Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Austria)
:note-5: F005J6 - N**080 (JCT) - ErGo :flag-at:
:note-10: F020I6 - N**288 (JCT) - tigerpranke :flag-de:
:note-20: F003H5 - N**031 (JCT) - DonRedhorse :flag-at:
:note-50: F008H5 - S636 (JCT) - Pole Doctor :flag-fr:
:note-100: F012G5 - N**210 (MD) - ErGo :flag-at:
:note-500: F008H5 - N**08? (MD) - nossi :flag-at:

:flag-nl: G - Joh. Enschedé Security Printing (Netherlands - Haarlem)
:note-5: G007J6 - P055 (WD) - DAVID & KATY :flag-pt:
:note-10: G017I6 - X603 (JCT) - ewri :flag-mt:
:note-20: G015I6 - H572 (JCT) - Al s'é pers :flag-it:
:note-50: G044H5 - X862 (MD) - Elmo :flag-nl:
:note-100: G009H5 - P051 (JCT) - Dioniz :flag-si:
:note-200: G001F4 - P009 (WD) - Elmo :flag-nl:

:flag-uk: H - De La Rue (UK - Gateshead)
:note-20: H006I6 - L260 (JCT) - Nomen Nescio :flag-fr:
:note-50: H016H5 - P086 (WD) - Elmo :flag-nl:
:note-100: H002H5 - L232 (JCT) - KARR :flag-fr:

:flag-it: J - Banca d'Italia (Italy - Roma)
:note-5: J005J6 - S057 (WD) - ErGo :flag-at:
:note-10: J009I6 - S079 (JCT) - jack_isidore :flag-at:
:note-20: J036I6 - S??? (MD) - presidente :flag-it:
:note-50: J102H5 - S778 (MD) - tralla :flag-de:
:note-100: J034H5 - S266 (JCT) - klapotec :flag-at:
:note-200: J001H5 - S002 (WD) - klapotec :flag-at:
:note-500: J001G4 - S002 (WD) - Angelino :flag-es:

:flag-ie: K - Banc Ceannais na hÉireann (Ireland - Dublin)
:note-5: K003J6 - T*714 (JCT) - JHN-TX :flag-ie:
:note-10: K007I6 - T274 (JCT) - japh :flag-ie:
:note-20: K004I5 - T370 (JCT) - japh :flag-ie:
:note-50: K001H5 - T406 (WD) - SUp3rFM :flag-pt:
:note-100: K001G5 - T500 (WD) - Nomen Nescio :flag-fi:

:flag-fr: L - Banque de France (France - Chamalières)
:note-5: L032J6 - U**86? (JCT) - rakoon :flag-es:
:note-10: L053I6 - U**??5 (JCT) - philgelico :flag-fr:
:note-20: L088I6 - U87**0 (MD) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-50: L010G3 - U**29? (WD) - croeso :flag-pt:

:flag-es: M - Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (Spain - Madrid)
:note-5: M016J6 - V208 (JCT) - Bendder :flag-es:
:note-10: M003I6 - V062 (WD) - Angelino :flag-es:
:note-20: M025I5 - V277 (JCT) - itsasbeltza :flag-es:
:note-50: M058H5 - V614 (MD) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-100: M007G4 - V048 (MD) - TheUndertaker :flag-de:

:flag-gr: N - Bank of Greece (Greece - Athens)
:note-5: N001G5 - Y015 (WD) - LeBaron :flag-fi:
:note-10: N037I6 - Y241 (MD) - 36°C :flag-de:
:note-20: N007I6 - Y049 (MD) - slabate :flag-be:
:note-50: N001F4 - Y007 (WD) - Fons :flag-nl:

:flag-de: P - Giesecke & Devrient (Germany - Munich/Leipzig)
:note-5: P018J6 - X354 (JCT) - de*lerger :flag-nl:
:note-10: P019I6 - X751 (MD) - dawizz :flag-pt:
:note-20: P019I5 - X356 (JCT) - Luise. :flag-de:
:note-50: P031H5 - X575 (JCT) - tigerpranke :flag-de:
:note-100: P010G5 - X081 (JCT) - HorstNDH :flag-de:

:flag-de: R - Bundesdruckerei (Germany - Berlin)
:note-5: R006J6 - X189 (JCT) - Luise. :flag-de:
:note-10: R026I6 - X557 (JCT) - dargqui :flag-es:
:note-20: R032I6 - E076 (MD) - Dawizz :flag-pt:
:note-50: R059H4 - X960 (MD) - lmviterbo :flag-pt:
:note-100: R011H5 - X165 (MD) - klapotec :flag-at:
:note-200: R009H3 - X049 (MD) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-500: R020G4 - X103 (JCT) - TorstenNey :flag-de:

:flag-be: T - Banque Nationale de Belgique / Nationale Bank van België (Belgium - Brussels)
:note-5: T001J6 - Z1**05 (WD) - leofer40 :flag-pt:
:note-10: T001I6 - Z2**21 (WD) - leofer40 :flag-pt:
:note-20: T002I6 - Z4**16 (WD) - pepitopulpito :flag-es:
:note-50: T039H5 - Z8**39 (MD) - slabate :flag-be:
:note-100: T001G5 - Z7**07 (WD) - klapotec :flag-at:
:note-200: T003G5 - Z9**47 (MD) - LArdennais :flag-be:
:note-500: T001G5 - Z9**06 (WD) - Angelino :flag-es:

:flag-pt: U - Valora (Portugal - Carregado)
:note-5: U008J6 - M178 (JCT) - leofer40 :flag-pt:
:note-10: U008I6 - M*52? (JCT) - leofer40 :flag-pt:
:note-20: U025I5 - M897 (MD) - leofer40 :flag-pt:

ES2: Europa-Series - 2013,2014,2015,2017 and 2019

:flag-fr: Oberthur Fiduciaire (France - Chantepie)
:note-5: E001J6 - EC095 (CL) - seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-10: E008I6 - EB475 (MD) - mainzelmaennchen :flag-de:
:note-20: E014I5 - EN269 (CL) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-50: E028H4 - ED318 (CL) - Crazy Bob :flag-nl:
:note-100: E020H5 - EB565 (CL) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-200: E011H1 - EB108 (CL) - RotesGras :flag-de:

:flag-bg: Oberthur Fiduciaire AD (Bulgaria)
:note-10: F006I5 - FA458 (MD) - lmviterbo :flag-pt:
:note-20: F003I6 - FM323 (CL) - bumboozel :flag-de:

:flag-pt: M - Valora (Portugal - Carregado)
:note-5: M010J6 - MA934 (CL) - lmviterbo :flag-pt:
:note-10: M001I6 - MB03 (CL) - leofer40 :flag-pt:
:note-20: M010C3 - MX5549 (CL) - Rotes Gras :flag-de:
:note-50: M008H5 - MD23 (MD) - leofer40 :flag-pt:

:flag-at: N - Österreichische Banknoten- und Sicherheitsdruck GmbH (Austria - Vienna)
:note-5: N024J6 - ND**46 (CL) - jack_isidore :flag-at:
:note-10: N019I6 - NC**27 (CL) - inDus :flag-de:
:note-20: N018I6 - NN**230 (CL) - ErGo :flag-at:
:note-50: N001H5 - NA**073 (MD) - Uns' Uwe :flag-de:
:note-100: N004H5 - NA**103 (MD) - ErGo :flag-at:
:note-200: N004H5 - NB**800 (CL) - LArdennais :flag-be:

:flag-nl: P - Joh. Enschede Security Printing BV (Netherlands - Haarlem)
:note-10: P006I6 - PA931 (MD) - TROLLIX1 :flag-fr:
:note-50: P009H5 - PC059 (MD) - Seltaeb :flag-es:

:flag-de: R - Bundesdruckerei GmbH (Germany - Berlin)
:note-10: R006I6 - RB389 (CL) - inDus :flag-de:
:note-20: R029I6 - RR507 (CL) - bumboozel :flag-de:
:note-50: R041H5 - RE724 (CL) - beaweb :flag-de:
:note-100: R017H5 - RC474 (CL) - ErGo :flag-at:

:flag-it: S - Banca d'Italia (Italy - Roma)
:note-5: S006J6 - S**056 (MD) - JHN-TX :flag-ie:
:note-10: S004I6 - S**081 (MD) - Bryce_ :flag-fr:
:note-20: S028I6 - S**06 (CL) - LArdennais :flag-de:
:note-50: S063A2 - S**51? (CL) - xja :flag-it:
:note-100: S009H5 - S**?16 (MD) - Rotes Gras :flag-de:
:note-200: S008H5 - S**06 (MD) - lmviterbo :flag-pt:

:flag-ie: T - Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland - Dublin)
:note-5: T005J6 - TC***?? (MD) japh :flag-ie:
:note-10: T004I6 - TA***86 (MD) - JHN-TX :flag-ie:
:note-20: T010I6 - TC045 (MD) - siriusLT :flag-lt:

:flag-fr: U - Banque de France (France - Chamalières)
:note-5: U012J6 - U**20 (CL) - romain17 :flag-fr:
:note-10: U013I6 - U**349 (MD) - Jackgaillard :flag-fr:
:note-20: U051I6 - U**09 (CL) - Henk Draijer :flag-nl:
:note-50: U056B5 - U**??? (CL) - P01 :flag-fr:
:note-100: U005H5 - U**13 (MD) - LArdennais :flag-be:
:note-200: U005H5 - U**094 (MD) - lmviterbo :flag-pt:

:flag-es: V - Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (Spain - Madrid)
:note-5: V018J5 - VC453 (CL) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-10: V016I2 - VB787 (CL) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-20: V006I5 - VA386 (MD) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-50: V034H5 - VD647 (CL) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-100: V004H5 VA391 (MD) - ErGo :flag-at:

:flag-de: W - Giesecke & Devrient GmbH (Germany - Leipzig)
:note-5: W002J6 - WA269 (MD) - Seltaeb :flag-es:
:note-10: W012H5 - WB674 (CL) - Rotes Gras :flag-de:
:note-20: W005G1 - WM145 (MD) - siriusLT :flag-lt:
:note-50: W016H5 - WB??? (CL) - beaweb :flag-de:
:note-100: W004H5 - WA416 (CL) - Ergo :flag-at:

:flag-de: X - Giesecke & Devrient GmbH (Germany - Munich)
:note-10: X003I6 - XA454 (MD) - greyshade :flag-de:
:note-20: X003I6 - XA003 (MD) - mkus27711 :flag-de:

:flag-gr: Y - Bank of Greece (Greece - Athens)
:note-5: Y008J5 - YA751 (MD) - P01 :flag-fr:
:note-10: Y013I6 - YB00 (CL) - romain17 :flag-fr:
:note-50: Y004H5 - YA227 (CL) - ErGo :flag-at:

:flag-be: Z - Banque Nationale de Belgique / Nationale Bank van België (Belgium - Brussels)
:note-5: Z021J6 - ZD**391 (MD) - Jackgaillard :flag-fr:
:note-20: Z020H5 - ZC**83 (MD) - HBoZ :flag-nl:
:note-50: Z022H5 - ZD**471 (MD) - fcbruges :flag-be:

And here again a short form of the actual records. Print it, hang it over your table or put in your wallet and if you see a high shortcode, check it immediatly with this list!!!
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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 06.01.2025)

Post by Seltaeb »

:note-10: :flag-bg: :flag-eu: F006I6 FA453 M.D. Santander (2022 09 25)

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Re: Highest Short Codes (Updated on 06.01.2025)

Post by Celebration »

:note-50: U057A3 UF633 CL Lichtenvoorde
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