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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by philgelico »

Perhaps there will be some Latvian EBTers at the WEBTM 2014 in Lisboa ? I hope so !
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by sen-chuan »

Press Page is updated with Latvian reviews :D : http://lv.eurobilltracker.com/press/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

We look forward for more news :wink: !
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by gragox »

And here it is - first Latvia to Latvia hit. :)

http://en.eurobilltracker.com/notes/?id=134991642" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by starcapitan »

I am so happy that eurozone joined Latvia. I'd like once to go to the Baltic Republics and so everything will be much easier. And Lithuania should join €uro next year. Do you think that the euro so diffused in that area could make Denmark think about the adoption as well in the future? Being stable in the ERMII is a good step but the euro is another think. And don't forget that Sweden hasn't got the opt-out and i think that even now (or when Denmark will take the decision) should think about the adoption for its economy.
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by sen-chuan »

For those of you using FaceBook in their life, there's also a feed for EuroBillTracker:

https://www.facebook.com/eurobilltracking" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;.

Thanks for joining :D !
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by IvarioLV »

Sveiki visiem, esmu jauniņais!

Jautājums: kāds zina, kāpēc jaunajām €5 banknotēm nerāda precīzu drukātavas nosaukumu?

(Hello, I'm a newbie, wondering if anybody knows why the 2013 fivers don't have a precise name for the printing company :D )
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by negative »

Sveiki ;)

my first hit ever, between Riga and Villach:
https://lt.eurobilltracker.com/notes/?id=146955543" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by Liootas »

Hey, braliukai, I have a question for you. :D What did The State Commission of the Latvian Language say about € symbol? I know you say eiro instead euro but what about writing prices?

I'm asking this because in Lithuania, The State Commission of the Lithuanian Language said that it's the best to use abbreviation Eur (they say: Eur like Lt or Ls; though I don't think any country uses such a stupid Eur :roll: ). They say, if needed the EUR or € can be used BUT € must be written after the number, e.g. 20 € (while all the eurozone writes €20). That's ridicilous, isn't it? Is it the same in Latvia?
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by samuray »

Officially we have to use € or EUR after the number.
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by Liootas »

samuray wrote:Officially we have to use € or EUR after the number.
That makes much more sense than Eur I guess. :roll: Thanks
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by xpetrovic »

Liootas wrote:
samuray wrote:Officially we have to use € or EUR after the number.
That makes much more sense than Eur I guess. :roll: Thanks
Actually the VLKK allows the € sign.:
250 eurų, 250 Eur, 250 EUR, 250 €
But yeah, Eur seems a total nonsense.
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by avij »

http://publications.europa.eu/code/en/en-370303.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; may be informative.
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by Aatos99 »

Liootas wrote: They say, if needed the EUR or € can be used BUT € must be written after the number, e.g. 20 € (while all the eurozone writes €20). That's ridicilous, isn't it?
At least in Finland that is the common way to write. I know that it's common to write like this; €20, in many countries using euro, but in Finland you always see it written like this; 20€. For me it's very normal, but it might seem odd to people from other countries.
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Re: Welcome, Latvia!

Post by Dakkus »

Man diezgan logiski, ka ja nerunaa "eiro divdesmit pieci un centi divi", bet "divdesmit eiro un divi centi", tad arii taa raksta.

Man logiskai, kad jei nesakom "euru dvidesimt penki ir centai dvi", o "dvidesimt euru ir dvi centai", ir taip rasom ;)

I find it rather logical, that if we don't say "euros twenty five and cents two" but instead "twenty five euros and two cents", we also write what we say.

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I think Estonians do the same, right? And sometimes Germans as well?
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