International Mario DRAGHI'S BINGO with new Fiftiers

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International Mario DRAGHI'S BINGO with new Fiftiers

Post by Jackgaillard »

Mario DRAGHI Bingo - 2 :note-500: 3 :note-200: 10 :note-100: 69 :note-50: 75 :note-20: 10 :note-10: = 169 classic + 47 :note-5: + 54 :note-10: 63 :note-20: = 164 Europe = 333
Total : 333 combinations dont/within 9 blue (only one finder + 5 rouge/red (not found yet)

Just Missing :

2002 Series
:note-20: D :flag-ee:D/R029 D/R030
:note-20: P :flag-nl:P/R026
:note-50: H :flag-si:H/R047
:note-50: X :flag-de:X/R058
it's up to you/à vous de jouer
welcome, it's not too late to enter clic here and post your stats

NB: this topic can easily be closed after e few days (thank for not deleting)

Ecouter Eurobilltracker sur les grosses têtes de Philippe Bouvard ICI
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International Mario DRAGHI'S BINGO with new Fiftiers

Post by Jackgaillard »

Mise à jour/Update for :note-50: New/Nouveaux :note-50: (2017-04-04)

:note-50: E :flag-fr: E/E003 E/E004 E/E006 E/E008 E/E009 E/E010
:note-50: M :flag-pt: M/M002 M/M003 M/M006 M/M007
:note-50: P :flag-nl: P/P001 P/P002 P/P004
:note-50: S :flag-it: S/S003 S/S011
:note-50: U :flag-fr: U/U002 U/U003 U/U004 U/U005 U/U006 U/U007 U/U008 U/U010
:note-50: V :flag-es: V/V001
:note-50: W :flag-de: W/W001 W/W003 W/W007 W/W008 W/W009 W/W010 W/W011
:note-50: Z :flag-be: Z/Z005 Z/Z007 Z/Z020

Classement/Ranking new Europe 33 :note-50:
  1. :flag-it: sky 287 combinaisons 2 :note-50: Europe S/S003 Z/Z007
  2. :flag-de: MuenzMuc 274 combinaisons 2 :note-50: Europe W/W007 W/W011
  3. :flag-fr: philgelico = 284 combinaisons 2 :note-50: Europe U/U003 U/U005
  4. :flag-fr: Kleman = 294 combinaisons 1 :note-50: Europe U/U004
  5. :flag-fr: jackgaillard = 241 combinaisons 1:note-50: Europe U/U005
it's not too late to enter clic here and post your stats
Ecouter Eurobilltracker sur les grosses têtes de Philippe Bouvard ICI
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