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FLAG problem

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2024 12:08 pm
The following examples show the problem with the display of flag symbols in Forum and/or Eurobilltracker Website

Austria flag
:flag-at: (works as "smiley") (works NOT with the webaddress of Austria flag)

Finland flag
:flag-fi: (works as "smiley") (works NOT with the webaddress of Finland flag)

San Marino flag
:flag-sm: (works as "smiley") Marino.gif (works NOT with the webaddress of San Marino flag)

I want to display an USA- flag on my EBT- profile but there are no "US-flag smileys".
The display of the flag does NOT work with the webaddress of the US-flag.
If I directly insert this flagsymbol address into the address field of the browser, the flag will be displayed.
But if I use this address in the Forum and/or Eurobilltracker Website, the flag will not appear.
See: ... States.gif
See also my EBT profile page, first line of the signature:

Re: FLAG problem

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2024 1:05 pm
by Akai
Now is possible to use emojis 🇺🇸

Re: FLAG problem

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2024 2:24 pm
NO, I don't want to use external sources for the flag.
And NO, "your" US flag has rounded corners - this is not the correct display of the flag.
The EBT- webpage already has all the flags of the world -> see

Why it is not possible to just take one of these?

The code is quite simple. When clicking on the country flag symbol, a link should open in a new tab of the webbrowser.

Code: Select all

<a href="" target="blank"> :flag-es: </a>
In this case the flag will be displayed correctly because it is a "Smiley". But if I replace the "Flag Smiley" with the webaddress of the same flag

Code: Select all

<a href="" target="blank"><img src=""></a>
the flag will not be displayed, only <img>.

For testing I made a simple webpage and surprisingly the flag will be displayed with working link:

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Testing of flag symbols</title>
   <a href="" target="blank">
   <img src=" States.gif">

Re: FLAG problem

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:56 am
by avij
The profile supports a limited set of HTML elements. <img> is intentionally not supported, because an <img> element pointing to some other website than EBT could be used for malicious purposes. There is currently no mechanism to allow <img> elements only if the src points to EBT, and I would not hold my breath waiting for that kind of mechanism to emerge.

Re: FLAG problem

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 11:16 am
The profile supports a limited set of HTML elements. <img> is intentionally not supported,
Hello avij,

yes, I already assumed the limitation of HTML coding.
That's why I wanted to point out:
The solution is already displayed on the right side of this page (PN writing mode) see ---->
These smileys work very good on the profile.
But there's only a little problem: These smileys are limited.

1,5 years before, I was in need of a Brazil- flag. There was no Brazil- flag with the smileys.
I wrote this problem on the support page and some days later someone created a "Brazil Smiley" for me.
The Brazil- flag will be displayed on my profile now with the code :flag-br:
and I am quite happy about this. I suppose, our friend klapotec was the artist for the coding.
Now I have a similar problem with the US-flag.
My request: Please extend the smilies chart (right side) with more countries flags!

The short code for the various countries is specified with the ISO 3166-2 code list:

So the smiley for the US- flag should be :flag-us:

Greetings - Marius